The Leading Cause of Disability in the United States Propelled Ambary Gardens to Find Solutions...CBD for Arthritis – Ambary Gardens

Wow! Who knew that Arthritis was the leading cause of disability in the U.S.?

Arthritis, according to the Arthritis Foundation, is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease and that means that there are “more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions.”

As a company whose founder, Steve Cohen, has suffered from rheumatoid arthritis since he was 10 years old, we’re dedicated to doing whatever we can to help those who must live with this disease day in and day out as Steve has for so long. In fact, this is how the Ambary Gardens brand decided to tackle the leading cause of disability in the U.S.

Creating a CBD for Pain Management

With its many health claims and profound testimonials, Steve couldn’t help but have his curiosity pique about the potential of CBD for arthritis to help with his own discomfort. Could this be the key to help relieve some of his own chronic pain? And, could he finally stop those monthly infusions that compromised his immune system (making him susceptible to immunological diseases) after all these years?

Ironically, Steve owned greenhouses from a previous business operating a year-round garden center.  Steve sold the business in 2009 only to see his 25-year-old business being shut down, so he was looking into various organic crops to grow when the idea of growing industrial hemp for organic CBD production was born.

Steve began the process of applying for an industrial hemp license. Unfortunately, at that time hemp was still confused with marijuana so an agricultural hemp license was very difficult to obtain in Jefferson County, Colorado. Through patience, persistence, and education, the District Attorney’s office allowed Steve to grow industrial hemp and Ambary Gardens would be the first of its kind to grow and extract hemp derived CBD in the county.

Fast forward.. with the assistance of growers with background knowledge of hemp cultivation, and after months of experimenting and finding the highest yielding CBD for pain hemp strain, the greenhouses were successfully converted to growing hemp. Soon after, an extraction facility and laboratory was built out and CBD started to be extracted and formulated into finished products. One of the first Ambary CBD products was a CBD extract made with MCT coconut oil, and soon thereafter a highly efficacious and specialized product utilizing nano-technology was finalized.

Next came topical pain relieving salves and more CBD extracted products like softgel capsules, CBD sprays, roll ons and pet products.  One of the best selling products that assist Steve with his rheumatoid arthritis discomfort is the daily application of the Deep Rub CBD Salve which blends CBD and twelve strategic organic essential oils to relieve the soreness and stiffness in his affected joints.  Over a period of time, Steve was able to discontinue monthly infusions and now takes daily doses of Daily Extra Strength 5000 Organic CBD Oil every morning and evening to manage his symptoms and discomfort.

May is Arthritis Awareness Month

According to the Arthritis Foundation, based on adjusted estimates, a staggering 92.1 million adults either have doctor-diagnosed arthritis and/or report joint symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of arthritis.

For those who are 18 to 64, nearly one in three (both men and women) have doctor-diagnosed arthritis and/or report joint symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of arthritis.

For those over 65, the numbers are even worse with more than one in two men having arthritis and more than two in three women.

Throughout the month of May, we’ll be sharing astonishing statistics from the Arthritis By The Numbers: Book of Trusted Facts & Figures from the Arthritis Foundation on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Of course, you can read all 102 pages of the book if you prefer…yikes!

Not Just a ‘Seniors’ Disease

The statistics around Arthritis are truly mind-boggling. Here are just a few:

Arthritis is the most common chronic condition among chronic users of opioids in the U.S.Anxiety is nearly twice as common as depression among people with arthritis, despite a more clinical focus on the latter mental health condition

1 in 3 military veterans in the U.S. live with arthritis

According to the Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF), nearly 300,000 children have been diagnosed with some form of juvenile arthritis

While many of us associate Arthritis with the senior population, clearly this disease affects a wide range of ages. The projections for the growth in numbers of people affected will make your head spin! One conservative estimate, by 2040: The number of adults in the U.S. with doctor-diagnosed arthritis is projected to increase 49 percent (25.9 percent of all adults).

Our Commitment to Arthritis Sufferers

While we can’t make any claims about how our CBD for arthritis products may be of help with issues of pain, stress, anxiety, sleep, etc. we can share a customer testimonial:

“I have been using the deep rub 250mg since July of 2018 a friend let me try hers when I was complaining about the aching nerve pain in my hands and wrists. Pain, only a large amount of Ibuprofen could calm. It worked really well after two applications with no additional pain reliever. I was sold, I bought my own started using on my hands because of my arthritis in my fingers after a broken finger and knuckle, I’m able to actually close my hands into fists now without pain. Now to my foot for the last two years, I’ve had deep burning pain in the 4th metatarsal in my foot. Painful to walk, stand for more than 5 mins, wear shoes, even just prop up. After several visits to the podiatrist, x-rays, nuclear scan, boot for 20 weeks and a misdiagnosis of stress fracture all I have is it is most likely RA in your foot. So what do I do now it still hurts to put shoes on, walk, stand for any length of time, so well it worked on my hands so I gave it a try on my foot. About that same time, the 500mg larger 2oz bottle came out so I ordered that started using daily on top and bottom of my affected foot. It’s amazing no pain, I can walk, jog (cuz who am I kidding I don’t run), even stand for long periods of time without it hurting. I can’t thank my girlfriend enough for introducing me to Ambary Gardens deep rub and AG for making this stuff it’s amazing!!!!!. Please don’t ever stop making this I love love love it!!!”  You can see the actual review here (scroll to the bottom of the page).

We are committed to producing safe, high quality, CBD products utilizing organic practices so that you are likely to get relief. That’s our promise to you.

Questions about CBD products that might be best for your arthritis symptoms? Please leave a comment or question below, and we’ll be happy to get back to you as soon as we can.

Live Well and Comfortable!
The Ambary Gardens Team