How CBD Might Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions – Ambary Gardens

‘Tis that time of year when our attention moves to intentions of health, fitness, and overall wellness. After indulging in all those yummy treats, binge-watching or couch shopping, and ignoring our exercise/nutrition regimens, the New Year is our reminder that it’s time to get it together. So, whether you make wellness resolutions or not, we thought we’d share some tips for how you can use your CBD products to help you with your wellness goals in 2019.

Are Weight Loss and Exercise Part of Your 2019 Wellness Program?

CBD and Appetite Suppression/Weight Loss

Here’s where we’ll remind you…CBD does not stimulate appetite like its cannabis “cousin.” In fact, CBD might actually suppress appetite (no munchies here folks) so it certainly won’t hamper your weight loss efforts. Additionally, this 2016 study shows that CBD increases the level of mitochondria found within the body, allowing it to burn more calories.

Any form of CBD oil could work to supplement your weight loss goals. CBD oil extracts or CBD oil capsules are available in varying CBD concentrations and you can take them with your other daily supplements. If you prefer, you can add water soluble CBD directly into your coffee or tea to increase the bioavailability of the caffeine or add to your fruit or protein smoothie.

CBD and Exercise/Fitness

Whether you’re exercising to lose weight or to maintain your level of fitness, CBD rubs and salves can assist in your pre-workout and warm-up. Before working out or stretching, using CBD for exercise such as rubs like our Deep Rub can be applied to increase blood flow and prevent injury caused by stiff joints. To warm up muscles and potentially prevent cramping during workouts, CBD salves formulated with warming essential oils could be helpful (they may also be great as an after workout balm to relax the muscles you just ripped apart).

Worked out a little too hard? CBD sprays, developed with nanoencapsulation, may provide instant relief of joint and muscle pain and are a great alternative (especially when your arms feel like limp noodles). Good thing your finger still works; just aim and fire!

Hoping to Improve Your Health by Reducing Stress This Year?

CBD and Stress Relief

It’s no secret that stress can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. And, you guessed it, CBD does have the potential to help reduce stress and anxiety.

First, let us stress (pun intended 😜) that CBD is derived from hemp plants that contain virtually no THC so it doesn’t provide stress reduction via psychoactive effects. CBD does not get you high so there is no need to stress out about that! (Okay, I’ll stop that pun thing now). However, CBD can help you manage your stress according to Dr. Stuart Titus, CEO of Medical Marijuana, Inc. In a recent Elite Daily article on CBD and Stress, Dr. Titus explains what happens in your body when you consume CBD for stress. “The cannabis compound interacts with something in your body called the endogenous cannabinoid system, which basically helps to regulate your central nervous system development, as well as your body’s responses to internal and external factors and stressors. Through that interaction, Titus says, ‘CBD seems to have a potentially positive impact on one’s ability to cope with stress [and] to stabilize mood.’ ”

Products like CBD bath soaks, when formulated with other key essential oil ingredients, may help calm your nerves while also potentially aiding in relieving stiff joints, strained muscles and inflammation. You also might benefit from daily CBD oil extracts taken with your other daily supplements.

Who Wants Better Sleep in 2019?

CBD for Sleep

So reducing stress should help you sleep a bit better, but if you suffer from insomnia or have issues sleeping because of chronic pain, you may benefit when you add CBD oil to your wellness regimen according to Dr. Michael J. Breus, Clinical Psychologist; Board Certified Sleep Specialist. In his Huffington Post article, The Ultimate Guide to CBD and Sleep, Dr. Breus explains that CBD for sleeping may help improve REM sleep abnormalities in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Parkinson’s Disease, among others.

Keeping a water soluble CBD extract in a glass of water by your bed and sipping on it throughout the night as you wake may help to gently reprogram your sleep cycle without the use of over the counter medications. Soaking in a CBD infused bath before bed may help you relax, allowing for a more rested body/mind and possibly contributing to deeper REM sleep.

Use CBD for Wellness This Year

Why take on your New Year’s Resolution for health and wellness without a little help from CBD? It’s not cheating…really! Just like you need running shoes to jog, weights to tone your muscles, or apps to count your steps, CBD is just another tool to help you get and stay well in 2019.

Questions about using CBD for wellness? Shoot them over in comments and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Live Well and Comfortable!
The Ambary Gardens Team